The YMCA of Long Island and the Rauch Foundation enjoy a long history of partnering together for good.
The partnership began when Louis Rauch served as a member of the Board of Directors from the 1960s until the 1990s and helped unite YMCA branches across Long Island into one Association with shared leadership and business functions, making the YMCA stronger and sustainable. Louis also supported YMCA leadership development and the Huntington YMCA Family Center.
Over the last thirty years, the Rauch Foundation has continued to support many strategic initiatives in partnership with the Y addressing summer learning loss, providing early literacy, and excellence in child care. Additionally, the foundation has supported YMCA facilities and building projects that stimulate the economy, create centers for community life, and providing critical infrastructure across demographics.
Today, the YMCA is proud to have another Rauch family member, John Treiber, serve on the Board of Directors, championing many of the same initiatives Louis Rauch spearheaded such as community building, and youth development.
We are grateful to the Rauch Foundation for penning this feature on "Why and How Investing In Community Builders Can Put Us On A Path To Healing", which highlights the decades-long partnership between the foundation and the Y, and the bright future ahead of us with the right support.