Welcome Y Swim team members and welcome new and prospective members!

YMCA East Hampton RECenter Hurricanes
Ages 11 & Over
Ages 10 & under

Huntington YMCA Bluefish
Ages 11 & Over
Ages 10 & under

Patchogue Family YMCA Piranhas
Ages 11 & Over
Ages 10 & under
Patchogue Family YMCA Piranha's Interest Form
Huntington YMCA Blue Fish & East Hampton YMCA Hurricanes Interest Form
- Please arrive 20 minutes prior to your tryout session to complete paperwork.
- Tryout participants should come prepared with a bathing suit, goggles, and towel.
- All swimmers will be asked to swim all competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly) to the best of their ability.
- Team requirements and responsibilities will be discussed during tryouts. ONE parent or guardian should attend tryouts with each swimmer.
1. Attend tryout dates.
2. If you are selected to join the team, you will receive a complete registration packet.
3. All swimmers must have a valid YMCA family or program membership to participate. If you are not a Y member, please purchase a membership online.
4. All swimmers will be registered with the USA Swimming member.