Find Your Community! Find Your Y!
2022 Annual Report
Dear Friends of the YMCA of Long Island,
We are proud to present the YMCA of Long Island’s 2022 Annual Report.
In 2022, the YMCA of Long Island along with many organizations continued on our journey of healing from the pandemic.
Overall, our steadfast commitment and dedication to providing the programs and services that support health and wellness, youth development, and a center for community life has only been strengthened in 2022.
We are grateful to our members, staff, volunteers for rising to the occasion and striving to support the YMCA of Long Island in being the beacon of hope and light for our local communities. We are delighted that 2022 saw the return of even more of our YMCA programs and services.
This year’s theme to FIND YOUR Y has enabled our families, adults and seniors the ability to discover the programs and services our Ys have to offer and to look to the Y as a resource for our communities.
As you read through our proudest moments of 2022, we hope you FIND YOUR Y and see why the Y is a treasure helping make Long Island a better place to live, work and play.
Anne N. Brigis, President & CEO
Paul Craco, Chief Volunteer Officer