change makers summit2024

Congratulations to our students, - Alice Chen & Mathew Reis, from the Patchogue Family YMCA  went to the Y Changemakers Summit. They presented on bringing awareness to Gorgeous Gardens: Long Island Nitrogen Pollution Solution.

There is currently a pressing issue with nitrogen pollution caused by stormwater run-off in Long Island, New York, which results in ecological dead zones, algal blooms, and ozone depletion. To address this issue, we will implement green infrastructure, such as rain gardens, in local public areas. Rain Gardens are areas of plantings that collect rainwater which can heavily reduce stormwater runoff, mitigate flooding, and lower nitrogen rates by 40%. In addition to filtering out pollutants such as nitrates, rain gardens are also pollinator-friendly, low maintenance, and extremely cost-effective—only costing an average of $3.50 per square foot. With a visually appealing solution filled with productive vegetation, we can promote a clean culture within our community and ultimately inspire a new generation of environmentally aware individuals to take action in our battle with climate change.
