Let the Summer Fun Continue at the YMCA Summer Day Camp!

As the summer days begin to fade, our campers are still immersed in the time of their lives. Every day, they wake up with anticipation, ready to embark on new adventures and create memories that will last a lifetime. The laughter, joy, and fun that fills the air- it is so infectious that they want to keep coming back for more.

Imagine your child forming lifelong bonds with new friends, exploring the great outdoors, and discovering hidden talents they never knew they had. Our dedicated team of counselors and instructors are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where your child can thrive and grow. From exciting outdoor activities to engaging workshops and games, our camp sessions are designed to ignite their imagination and create lasting memories.

Join us and let the adventure continue! We promise that your child will come home with stories that will make your heart swell with pride. Don't wait any longer, secure your child's spot in our remaining camp sessions!

Remaining Camp Sessions:

Session 2 July 10- July 21
Session 3 July 24 - August 4
Session 4 August 7 - August 18

Summer Bonus Week *

August 21 - August 25

                                             *not available in East Hampton


We believe that every child deserves to experience this magic, which is why we want your child to be a part of it. Despite the dwindling days of summer, we still have a few spots open for your camper in our remaining camp sessions. Don't let your child miss out on this incredible opportunity to have an unforgettable summer filled with laughter, friendship, and adventure.

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